A Program of Catholic Charities of Los Angeles, Inc.

Transitional Living Program
A Program of Catholic Charities of Los Angeles, Inc.

Facts About Former Foster Youth*
25% will not have completed high school within 4 years of aging out. Less than 12% will ever earn a college degree.*
50% are unemployed within 4 years of aging out of the foster care system.*
About 50% of former foster youth ages 18-24 years old have experienced homelessness.**
*Statistics taken from www.iFoster.org (2019)
**Statistics taken from the 2019 Youth Homelessness Briefing (LAHSA)
Who We Are
JOBE Transitional Living Program, a program of Catholic Charities of Los Angeles, is designed to support Transitional Aged Youth (TAY) and/or homeless youth, ages 18-25 years old, who have experienced the foster care system and/or have struggled with homelessness. JOBE TLP provides an opportunity for young men and women to thrive in a safe and stable environment while they pursue their educational and vocational dreams. Residents of JOBE TLP will receive assistance and guidance from the Program Director, Case Manager, and Counselors. JOBE TLP is staffed by a diverse, educated, and well-experienced team of individuals that are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of our residents. What makes our program truly one-of-a-kind is that it intends to give our residents a true sense of family and support. In the words of Program Director Keith Wieser, "Once you are a part of JOBE, you are always a part of JOBE."

What We Do

Beating The System
Marquis, a former resident of JOBE Transitional Living Program, published his book, Beating the System: My Life in Foster Care, in 2017. In his book, Marquis tells his inspiring story of resilience and strength. From a young boy thrown into the foster care system to an adult achieving success despite his upbringing, Marquis takes readers on a journey that you will be sure to remember for years to come.